
Anna Unterweger Heiss

Ouch, that must have been hard.
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
I was 14 years old. And there was New Year's and then New Year's Day. And every day we prayed the evening rosary. We all have. Yes. All. And afterwards, I am a neighbor over, New Year wishes. Then I had the work done and the barn, and then I'm over and wished her New Year. Then I said: "I need to pray the Rosary home, because now they pray the Rosary." Afterwards she said: "Yes, have, will not, it will not hurry, stay indeed a bit, let's talk a little." After I'm not over, after I've missed him the rosary afterwards I'm her come into the office door. Later told his father: "What ish because with the Roasner" I grow old in 14 years was, I said. "Yes, now I have chatted him over at the neighbor" after he has given me a few slaps . After he took the basement key, has grabbed me by the neck just (gesture) and I was locked down in the basement. New Year's Day. And down it was pitch dark, is not a light was thrown off and it really has me because I have been too cold. Then I really thought, Father, did you see me now defeated the last time.